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discounts available for usf students and faculty.

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Explore our library of high-quality online continuing ​education micro-modules covering popular public health ​cases, best practices, feature-focused lessons, and more. ​Each micro-module is separately accredited by CEPH.

Flexible Deadlines, Levels and Hours

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Ribbon Award Badge

Sharable Certificate and LinkedIn Badge

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100% Online

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OSHA’s draft heat stress rule promotes the Heat Illness and Injury Prevention Plan​ (HIIPP) as a central feature of the proposed program standard. The HIIPP re​quirements will be explained and expanded in the context of an upcoming ACGIH User​ Guide for heat stress management. The topics will cover the basic structure of​ an HIIPP and program review, the initial trigger and interventions, and the​ high trigger and additional interventions.

During this module, D​r​. Thomas E. Bernard, a professor in the USF College of Public Health, will reflect o​n his research on heat stress evaluation and his experiences with developing heat s​tress management programs.

Target Audience:

This​ ​program is offere​d as an asynchronous self-paced lesson.


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Join us for an informative micro-module as we explore the various forms of ​childhood maltreatment and discuss best practices for assessing abuse. Childhood ​maltreatment encompasses a range of harmful experiences that can have lasting ​effects on a child's physical, emotional, and psychological well-being. It's essential ​for professionals working with children to have a comprehensive understanding of ​these forms of abuse and the tools to effectively assess and address them.

During this module, expert speakers will delve into the different types of childhood ​maltreatment, including physical abuse, emotional abuse, neglect, and sexual ​abuse. Through case studies and real-life examples, participants will gain insights ​into the signs and symptoms of each form of abuse, as well as the potential impact ​on children's development and overall health.

Target Audience:

This program is offered as an asynchronous self-paced lesson and will take approxim​ately 1 hour to comp​lete.

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This engaging micro-module on social marketing will discuss powerful tactics and ​theories of persuasion to effectively influence behavior and deliver positive social ​change. Social marketing harnesses the principles of traditional marketing to ​promote behaviors that benefit individuals and society, such as healthful eating, ​environmental conservation, and community engagement.

During this module, expert speakers will delve into the foundational theories of ​social marketing, including the stages of behavior change, the importance of ​audience segmentation, and the use of messaging and channels to reach target ​audiences effectively. Participants will learn how to craft compelling messages that ​resonate with their audience and motivate them to act.


This program is offered as an asynchronous self-paced lesson and will take approxim​ately 1 hour to comp​lete.

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Join us for an engaging micro-module as we delve into the intricate dynamics ​of global disasters through the lens of complex systems, equity, and justice. I​n today's interconnected world, understanding the multifaceted nature of dis​asters is essential for creating effective strategies to mitigate their impacts an​d promote re​s​ilience.

During this module, esteemed experts in the field will explore how disasters​ are not merely isolated events but rather manifestations of complex systems s​haped by social, economic, and environmental factors. By examining the interconne​ctedness of these systems, we can gain deeper insights into the root causes of disas​ters and develop more comprehensive approaches to addressi​n​g them.


This program is offered as an asynchronous self-paced lesson a​nd takes approximately 2 hours to c​omplete.

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“micro-learning for

measurable impact.”

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Nurse practitioner doctor with tablet and stethoscope smiling
Construction Worker at the Site
Portrait of a Senior Doctor in Protective Mask Who Sits with His Desk and Looking at the Camera.
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Explore our library of high-quality online

continuing education micro-modules covering ​popular public health cases, best practices,

feature-focused lessons, and more. Each

micro-module is separately accredited by CEPH.

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Micro-certificates are affordable competency-based short-cycle programs that offer digital badging and Certified Public Health (CPH) credit for public health professionals to upskill or reskill in a specific area. Micro-certificates not only help professionals build their current knowledge of the topic but can enhance their skills, abilities, and chances of a better salary.

Micro-courses consist of a series of lectures that offer a digital badge and continuing education credit for professionals looking to upskill or reskill in a specific area. Micro-courses are aligned with practice needs and designed to support career readiness and professional advancement. Micro-courses may consist of up to 8 hours of online stackable webinars.